Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

S. De Bièvre is the scientific coordinator of CEMPI

Member of the organizing committee

D. Bonheure and A. Gloria organize a PDE and analysis seminar at Brussels (http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~dbonheur/seminaire-ANEDP.html ).

G. Dujardin and I. Lacroix are in charge of the PDE and numerical analysis seminar of the Paul Painlevé mathematics department in Lille (http://math.univ-lille1.fr/d7/sanedp ).

G. Francfort (Paris 13), A. Gloria, and M. Kruzik organized a workshop "Relaxation, homogenization and dimensional reduction in hyperelasticity" at Université Paris-Nord, March 25-27, 2014 (http://staff.utia.cas.cz/kruzik/workshop/ ).


Member of the editorial board

D. Bonheure is associate editor at the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin (http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.bbms ), the Journal of calculus of variations (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jcv/ ), and International Scholarly Research Notices (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn/ ).

C. Chainais and A. Gloria are associate editors at the North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (http://math.univ-lille1.fr/~nwejm/ ), a new journal launched by the mathematical departments of the French region Nord-Pas-De-Calais.


The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals.